The M.O.R.E. Work Investment Program
Are you missing out on profitable local projects
because your developers lack capital?
How can we help you?
Does your union want to:
Expand market share and geographic footprint?
Take control of your organization’s future growth?
Grow man-hours?
Earn a strong financial return on your M.O.R.E. Work projects?
Bank of Labor’s M.O.R.E. Work Investment Program (M.O.R.E. Work) is a smart way to utilize your funds to deepen developer partnerships, increase union loyalty and expand access to financing for market share growth.
M.O.R.E. Work
This customizable program was developed to help Trade Unions connect small and medium‑sized developers to working capital needed to develop projects in your area.
So, how does it work?
First, the Trade Union...
- Works with Bank of Labor to identify developers that have financing needs that can potentially grow man‑hours.
- Determines developers’ initial interest level and need for project financing.
Then, Bank of Labor...
- Performs basic underwriting analysis after receipt of the loan request.
- Supplies an Executive Summary of the loan request, (including strengths and weaknesses) to the referring Trade Union.
- Manages loan closing and servicing over the life of the loan.
Contact Us
Call 855.24.LABOR to help your organization grow man-hours & membership with M.O.R.E. Work.